As a study association, ICT is a big part of your infrastructure. Exploding printers, refusing servers, crashing computers are all part of the order of the day. Fortunately, the ICT guild is there to help you restrain everything.
The ICT guild is responsible for all the ICT business of De Leidsche Flesch. The Online Almanac and this website are all successes of this guild. If you have a nice idea to add to this list, please send an email to ictgilde -at- deleidscheflesch.nl.
- 1923
- Alexander Tonkelaar
- Bálint Bosman
- Ben Krassenburg
- Bram Bouma
- Cagatay Akar
- Derk Schelvis
- Duco Mensink
- Florian Velten
- Gabriel Bisti
- Gabriel Silva Meleiro
- Giulia Bandiziol
- Guus Kleinlein
- Haike van Thiel
- Iustin-Georgian Cretu
- Jaap Laging
- Lisa Pomp
- Marnix Hettema
- Mick Voogt
- Myrdhin van der Zwet
- Nadine Potters
- Noah Klein
- Peter Bosch
- Pim Bax
- Revenna Paaij
- Rick Dullaart
- Ryan Sleeuwaegen
- Stefan Ioan Diaconu
- Suzanne Helder
- Taran van Ess
- Tessa van Velzen
- Tiago Scholten
- Tom Borsje
- Valentijn Ouwehand
- Wilco de Boer
- Wouter Remmerswaal
- Wouter Ykema
- Yentl van der Tol