DJ Guild
The DJ guild consists of a group of musical people who already know how to DJ or who would like to learn. When an occasion can be improved with a musical touch, the DJ guild can be asked to organise music on this activity.
The DJ guild can be contacted through djgilde apenstaartje
- 1923
- Anastacia Peters
- Bram Bouma
- Dolf van der Hert
- Dominic Tsoi
- Dylan Nelson
- Gabriel Bisti
- Ismael al Attar
- Jason Hart
- Jasper Kooij
- Jimmy Chao
- Jonah Post
- Luuk Deen
- Marc Seegers
- Maura van der Heide
- Menno Eikelenboom
- Mio Poortvliet
- Panagiotis Xanthopoulos
- Perri van den Berg
- Pim Bax
- Revenna Paaij
- Valentijn Ouwehand