Former boards
De Leidsche Flesch was founded in 1923. Since that time, there have been many different boards.
Here you can find an overview of the boards of the past few years. We intend to add to this page with pictures and names of all the past boards. If you have any information that is not yet on this page, please let us know via
5 september 2023 - 4 september 2024
The members of the 101st board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Elementair':
- Renske van Gulijk, praeses
- Florian Velten, ab-actis
- Myrdhin van der Zwet, quaestor
- Annabelle Geluk, assessor onderwijs en vice-praeses
- Nadine Potters, assessor extern
- Revenna Paaij, assessor intern
- Bram Bouma, assessor ICT
f.l.t.r.f.t.t.b.: Bram, Annabelle, Myrdhin, Florian, Revenna, Renske, Nadine
6 september 2022 - 5 september 2023
The members of the 100th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Rebelsch':
- Jochem Kaal, president
- Jaap Laging, secretary and system administrator
- Derk Schelvis, treasurer
- Anastacia Peters, commissioner of education and vice president
- Gabriel Bisti, commissioner of external affairs
- Anna Sofie Krämer, commissioner of internal affairs
f.t.t.b.: Jochem, Jaap, Derk, Anastacia, Gabriel, Anna Sofie
7 september 2021 - 6 september 2022
The members of the 99th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Plottwist':
- Ava Bauer, president
- Haike van Thiel, secretary and commissioner of development
- Meili Hegeman, treasurer
- Tom Borsje, vice president, commissioner of external affairs and system administrator
- Randy den Braven, commissioner of internal affairs
- Nikos Lamens, commissioner of education
f.l.t.r.f.t.t.b.: Randy, Haike, Nikos, Tom, Ava, Meili
1 september 2020 - 7 september 2021
The members of the 98th board of De Leidsche Flesch "Grenzeloosch':
- Bas van der Beek, president
- Paulien Koster, secretary and commissioner of internal affairs
- Christiaan Dik, treasurer
- Carmen Turner, commissioner of education and vice president
- Wouter van Tol, commissioner of external affairs
- Rick Dullaart, system administrator
f.l.t.r. Rick, Carmen, Paulien, Bas, Christiaan, Wouter
3 September 2019 - 1 September 2020
The members of the 97th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Dageraad':
- Martje Slob, president
- Levi Peeters, secretary and system administrator
- Bart Ouwehand, treasurer
- Jolijn Demmers, commissioner of internal affairs and vice-president
- Marit Talsma, commissioner of external affairs
- David Lim, commissioner of education
f.l.t.r. David, Jolijn, Martje, Levi, Bart, Marit
4 September 2018 - 3 September 2019
The members of the 96th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Systematisch':
- Dennis Uitenbroek, president
- Joost Barendse, secretary and commissioner of education
- Rivka Zandbergen, treasurer
- Rémi Claessen, vice-president and commissioner of external affairs
- Wout Gevaert, commissioner of internal affairs
- Erik Vroon, commissioner ICT
f.l.t.r. Erik, Rémi, Joost, Dennis, Rivka, Wout
5 September 2017 - 4 September 2018
The members of the 95th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Hoogtij':
- Jannetje Driessen, president
- Tjitske Baert, secretary
- Thomas Wink, treasurer
- Brenda van Hal, commissioner external affairs and vice-president
- Lisanne van der Meulen, commissioner education
- Pim Bax, commissioner internal affairs and commissioner ICT
f.l.t.r. Pim, Tjitske, Thomas, Jannetje, Lisanne, Brenda
6 September 2016 - 5 September 2017
The members of the 94th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Flitschend':
- Eva van Weenen, president
- Alex van Vorstenbosch, secretary
- Jelco Burger, treasurer
- Sarah Hurkmans, commissioner education and vice-president
- Mathijs Kolkhuis Tanke, commissioner external affairs
- Kasper Roewen, commissioner internal affairs
f.l.t.r. Kasper, Sarah, Alex, Eva, Jelco, Mathijs
1 September 2015 - 6 September 2016
The members of the 93rd board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Treffend':
- Tineke Nogarede, president
- Ellen Riefel, secretary
- Vera Schous, treasurer and commissioner I&E
- Minke Slotegraaf, commissioner external affairs and vice president
- Tobias de Jong, commissioner education and ICT
- Larissa Wolters, commissioner internal affairs and lunch lectures
f.l.t.r. Larissa, Minke, Ellen, Tineke, Vera, Tobias
2 September 2014 - 1 September 2015
The members of the 92nd board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Logischerwijs':
- Erik Weenk, president
- Heleen Otten, secretary and commissioner ICT
- Nils Out, treasurer
- Koen van Deelen, commissioner internal affairs and vice president
- Jan van Staalduinen, commissioner education and I&E
- Tycho Neve, commissioner external affairs
f.l.t.r. Tycho, Koen, Heleen, Erik, Nils, Jan
3 September 2013 - 2 September 2014
The members of the 91st board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Ondertussen':
- Simone Cammel, president
- Tobias Kappé, secretary and commissioner ICT
- Jeroen Sengers, treasurer and commissioner masters
- Bert Peters, commissioner internal affairs and I&E, vice president
- Pieter Bouwmeester, commissioner external affairs
- Irene Verstraten, commissioner education and book sale
f.l.t.r. Irene, Bert, Tobias, Simone, Jeroen, Pieter
4 September 2012 - 3 September 2013
The members of the 90th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Intensch':
- Nigel Fennet, president
- Ellen Schlebusch, secretary
- Bob Sleeuwenhoek, treasurer
- Nikki Zabel, commissioner education & book sale, vice president
- Martijn van Velzen, commissioner internal affairs & ICT
- Ralph Bos, commissioner external affairs & masters
f.l.t.r. Ralph, Nikki, Ellen, Nigel, Bob, Martijn
6 September 2011 - 4 September 2012
The members of the 89th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Gesmurft':
- Pim Overgaauw, president
- Frédérique de Paus, secretary and treasurer
- Robbin Bastiaansen, commissioner education and vice president
- Freek Broeren, commissioner internal affairs & ICT
- Ivar Schretlen, commissioner external affairs & book sale
- Elise Denissen, commissioner external affairs & guilds
f.l.t.r. Ivar, Freek, Pim, Elise, Frédérique, Robbin
7 September 2010 - 6 September 2011
The members of the 88th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Achterwaartsch Vooruit':
- Erwin Haas, president
- Leandra Swiers, secretary
- Jeroen van Splunder, treasurer & commissioner external affairs
- Ricardo Meijer, vice president & commissioner internal affairs
- Lucas van der Meer, commissioner education & commissioner external affairs
- Mathijs van de Nes, commissioner ICT & commissioner book sale
f.l.t.r. Mathijs, Erwin (top), Jeroen, Ricardo, Lucas, Leandra
1 September 2009 - 7 September 2010
The members of the 87th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Op Dreef':
- Anouk van de Stadt, president
- Swier Heeres, secretary, commissioner ICT
- Laurens van der Heijden, treasurer
- Alexander van der Torren, commissioner education & external affairs, vice president
- Fenna van der Grient, commissioner external affairs & masters
- Rinse Kappetein, commissioner internal affairs & book sale
f.l.t.r. Rinse, Alexander, Swier, Anouk, Laurens, Fenna
2 September 2008 - 1 September 2009
The members of the 86th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Frisch':
- Jacob Boon, president
- Avalon van Binsbergen, secretary, commissioner internal affairs
- Laura Brandwacht, treasurer
- Paul Langelaan, commissioner education & book sale
- Floris Olsthoorn, commissioner external affairs & masters
- Ron Hoogwater, commissioner ICT, vice president
f.l.t.r. Ron, Paul, Avalon, Jacob, Laura, Floris
4 September 2007 - 2 September 2008
The members of the 85th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Link':
- Corine Meerman, president
- Jeroen Zonneveld, secretary, commissioner ICT
- Jeroen Sirre, treasurer
- Nadieh Bremer, commissioner external affairs
- Hedwig Eerkens, commissioner book sale & funding, vice president
- Anco Moritz, commissioner internal affairs & education
f.l.t.r. Anco, Nadieh, Jeroen Zonneveld, Corine, Jeroen Sirre, Hedwig
5 September 2006 - 4 September 2007:
The members of the 84th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Buitensporig':
- Jelle Brill, president
- Marcel van Daalen, secretary
- Eric Siero, treasurer
- Renske Smit, commissioner internal affairs & external affairs
- Kirsten Martens, commissioner book sale & education
- Pieter Rogaar, commissioner ICT, vice president
f.l.t.r. Pieter, Renske, Marcel, Jelle, Eric, Kirsten
6 September 2005 - 5 September 2006:
The members of the 83rd board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Vernieuwd Recept':
- Ilse Disseldorp, president
- Nienke van der Marel, secretary
- Marinus Israël, treasurer
- Frank van Rest, commissioner external affairs & book sale and vice president
- Anton Hunsucker, commissioner ICT
- Gonny Hauwert, commissioner internal affairs & education
f.l.t.r. Gonny, Frank, Nienke, Ilse, Marinus, Anton
7 September 2004 - 6 September 2005:
The members of the 82nd board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Vlammend':
- Jasper Lukkezen, president
- Hester Schouten, secretary
- Femke Tabak, treasurer
- Cees Moerman, commissioner book sale & acquisition
- Kristian Rietveld, commissioner ICT
- Harm Nooitgedagt, vice president
f.l.t.r. Harm, Cees, Hester, Jasper, Femke, Kristian
2 September 2003 - 7 September 2004:
The members of the 81st board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Dwarsch':
- Joris Berkhout, president
- Evelyn Caris, secretary
- Bas Leerink, treasurer
- Freeke van de Voort, vice president
- Erik Jongsma, commissioner
- Richard van Rijn, commissioner
6 May 2002 - 2 September 2003:
The members of the 80th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Inhoudelijk Volhardend':
- Marten Hamelink, president
- Pascal Baars, secretary
- Dave van Eijck, treasurer
- Maarten van den Berg, commissioner
7 March 2001 - 6 May 2002:
The members of the 79th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Victor Knoop, president
- Vincent Lony, secretary
- David Dekker, treasurer
- Floris Braakman, commissioner
- Patrick Lemmers, commissioner
5 April 2000 - 7 March 2001:
The members of the 78th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Merijn Smit, president
- Sander von Benda-Beckman, secretary
- Vincent van der Goes, treasurer
- Caroline van Breukelen, commissioner
f.l.t.r. Merijn, Sander, Vincent, Caroline
23 February 2000 - 5 April 2000:
In this period, there has been an interim-board constituted as follows:
- Merijn Smit, president
- Sander von Benda-Beckman, secretary
- Glenn van der Ven, treasurer
- Manon Appel, commissioner
- André van Cleeff, commissioner
- Randy Kalkman, commissioner
- Danny Pronk, commissioner
24 February 1999 - 23 February 2000:
The members of the 77th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Rowin Meijerink, president
- Huib Dirksen, secretary
- Glenn van de Ven, treasurer
- Koen Schoots, vice president
- Manon Appel, commissioner
25 February 1998 - 24 February 1999:
The members of the 76th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Vincent Berk, president
- Jean-Paul Keulen, secretary
- Bjørn van Dommelen, treasurer
- André van Cleeff, commissioner
26 March 1997 - January 1998:
The members of the 75th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Jeroen Custers, president
- Johanna Novozamsky, secretary
- Rob Sanders, treasurer
- Lukas Phaf, vice president
- Danny Pronk, commissioner of education
21 March 1996 - 26 March 1997:
The members of the 74th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Guido Lankamp, president
- Diana de Veld, secretary
- Caspar van Papendrecht, treasurer
- Mark IJsselstein, vice president
- Robert-Jan Westerhof, commissioner
- Maja Jakobik, commissioner
- Jorrit Visser, commissioner
- Stefan van Bohemen, commissioner of committees
15 February 1995 - 21 March 1996:
The members of the 73rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Michiel de Baat, president
- Iris Vis, secretary
- Michiel Thijssen, treasurer
- Ed Schouten, commissioner
- Marjolein Kruis, commissioner
- Tom Voskes, commissioner
2 February 1994 - 15 February 1995:
This board logo was found on the members' cards of '94-'95.
The members of the 72nd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Carin Alkemade, president
- Eric Stempels, secretary
- Eelco de Lange, treasurer
- Gary Barnes, commissioner
- Leonoor van Well, commissioner
- Michiel de Baat, commissioner
February 1993 - 2 February 1994:
The members of the 71st board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Thomas van Elzakker, president
- Joris Höppener, secretary
- Pamela Demmenie, treasurer
- Nicole Bijleveld, commissioner
- Wilmar Kortleever, commissioner
This board announced their candidature as an alternative board during the meeting where a new board would be voted on. The original candidate board, which consisted of only astronomy students, then founded the sub-association Kaiser soon after.
5 February 1992 - February 1993:
The members of the 70th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Michiel Hogerheijde, president
- Arno Schoenmakers, secretary
- Roger Reutelingsperger, treasurer
- Sandra Lim A Po, commissioner
- Iain Wilson, commissioner
- Marc Penninga, commissioner
4 February 1991 - 5 February 1992:
The members of the 69th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Barbara Sanders, president
- Ferry de Paus, secretary
- Margit van IJzeren, treasurer
- Peter Plantfeber, commissioner first-years
- Michiel Hogerheijde, commissioner committees and book action
- Roderick Bloem, commissioner parties
7 February 1990 - 4 February 1991:
The members of the 68th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Mirjam Kruyswijk, president
- Margit van IJzeren, secretary
- Barbara Sanders, treasurer
- Mark de Groot, commissioner 1
- Peter Plantfeber, commissioner 2 (drinks and parties)
28 February 1989 - 7 February 1990:
The members of the 67th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Lisette Potters, president
- Sytze van Koningsveld, secretary
- Vincent Buller, treasurer
- Petra van Lieshout, commissioner
- Marco Eggenkamp, commissioner
24 February 1988 - 28 February 1989:
The members of the 66th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Susanne Wilmer, president
- Patrick Min, secretary
- Rob Klein, treasurer
- Yvonne Colijn, commissioner
- Noud Marquinie, commissioner
24 February 1987 - 24 February 1988:
The members of the 65th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Jan-Peter de Jong, president
- Klaasjan van Druten, secretary
- Maiwenn Al, treasurer
- Jeroen van Grunsven, commissioner
- Erica Bastiaanssen, commissioner
- Camille van den Berg, commissioner
27 February 1986 - 24 February 1987:
The members of the 64th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Roeland Paul van der Marel, president
- Hugo Smeets, secretary
- Dennis Breuker, treasurer
- Paulien ten Pas, commissioner
- Kees-Jan de Korver, commissioner
January 1985 - 27 February 1986:
The members of the 63rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Henk Latour, president
- Chris Sijtsma, secretary
- Wim Kokx, treasurer
- Edwin Paalvast, commissioner
- Nelleke Louwe Kooijmans, commissioner
This year, the Bètabanenmarkt has been organised for the first time with cooperation from Chemisch Dispuut Leiden (CDL).
January 1984 - January 1985:
The members of the 62nd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Hugo M. Nijhof, president
- Pieter Bots, secretary (until 8 june 1983)
- Edwin Paalvast, secretary (from 8 june 1983)
- Jan Catersels jr, treasurer
- Chris Sijtsma, commissioner book sale
The board of De Leidsche Flesch was inactive at that time. The three seated members wanted to retire, but they could not find any successors. The people who tried to start the `dispuut' Tomas Jan Stieltjes were active but had less connection to physics and astronomy. Chris Sijtsma had been both treasurer at Tomas Jan Stieltjes and commissioner book sale at De Leidsche Flesch. If you became a member of Tomas Jan Stieltjes, you were automatically a member of De Leidsche Flesch and vice versa. Financially, all transactions of Tomas Jan Stieltjes passed the bank account of De Leidsche Flesch. There was no friction between the initiators of Tomas Jan Stieltjes. Fortunately, in the year that followed the astronomers Henk Latour and Wim Kokx were willing to take place in the board, giving Nelleke, Edwin and Chris Sijtsma support of other groups of De Leidsche Flesch. The less fortunate initiative of Tomas Jan Stieltjes has died a painless death.
January 1983 - January 1984
The members of the 61st board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Hugo M. Nijhof, president
- Pieter Bots, secretary (until June 8th 1983)
- Edwin Paalvast, secretary (from June 8th 1983)
- Jan Catersels jr, Queastor
- Chris Sijtsma, commissioner book sale
9 December 1981 - January 1983
The members of the 60th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Chris Rossing, president (until 15 February 1982) commissioner (from 15 February 1982)
- Jos Putker, president (from 15 February 1982)
- Pieter Bots, secretary
- Jan Hendrik Burger, treasurer (until August 1982)
- Jan Catersels jr, treasurer (from August 1982)
- Jean-Michel Chavernac, commissioner first-years mentorate
Although this board sent a letter to all members on 4 December 1981, informing that "last month there has been a change of boards" (presumably this took place on 20 November), the first General Members Meeting after this change took place only on the 9th of December.
December 1980 - 9 December 1981
The members of the 59th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Hans Janssen, president
- Rob Brouwer, secretary
- Hans Onvlee, treasurer
- Jan-Hendrik Burger, commissioner I
June 1980 - December 1980
The members of the 58th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Hans Janssen, president
- Rob Brouwer, secretary
- Hans Onvlee, treasurer
21 May 1979 - June 1980
The members of the 57th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- André Winkelman, president (until 5 March 1980)
- Bert van de Wakker, secretary
- Wiltrude Verbeek, treasurer (until 1 January 1980)
- Kaarina Melkas, commissioner I
- Erik Ulijn, commissioner II
- Hans Janssen, commissioner III
31 May 1978 - 21 May 1979
The members of the 56th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- H.J.M. (Huub) de Groot, president
- H. Kramers, secretary
- G.A.F. (Gijsbert) de Rijk, treasurer
- H.C. (Huug) Peters, commissioner IIa (mentorships)
- T.T.M (Thom) Palstra, commissioner III (variable)
12 May 1977 - 31 May 1978
The members of the 55th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Rommert Dekker, president
- Louis ten Bosch, secretary
- Huug Peters, treasurer
- Gijsbert de Rijk, commissioner I (educational information)
- Albert-Jan Wolthuis, commissioner II (mentorships)
- Thom Palstra, commissioner III (variable)
29 April 1976 - 12 May 1977
The members of the 54th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Wim van Zijp, president
- Menno Kosters, secretary
- Erik Zomervrucht, treasurer
- Ilona Palings, commissioner of mentorships
- Paul van Meenen, commissioner of excursions
- Rick Storm, commissioner of educational information
1 May 1975 - 29 April 1976
The members of the 53rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Leon Husson, president
- Hans Oosterling, secretary
- Aad van Strien, treasurer
- Hein van der Zeeuw, commissioner of mentorships
- Wim van Zijp, commissioner of lectures and excursions
October 1974 - 1 May 1975
The members of the 52nd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Gert Hekman, president
- Jaap van der Wel, secretary
- Hans van Weeren, treasurer
- Wouter de Vries, commissioner I
15 november 1973 - October 1974
The members of the 51st board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J. (Hans) van Weeren, president
- J.A. (Jaap) van der Wel, secretary
- W.S. (Wouter) de Vries, treasurer
October 1972 - 15 november 1973
The members of the 50th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Wilfred Vermeij, president
- Marjan Spermon, secretary
- Bart Hogenhout, treasurer
- Els den Os, commissioner I
- Dirk van Delft, commissioner II
20 September 1971 - October 1972
The members of the 49th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Stan Smits, president
- Henk Boots, secretary
- Eric Spoek, treasurer
- Henk Algra, commissioner of education
- Els Eijssen, commissioner of lunches
17 September 1970 - 20 September 1971
The members of the 48th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- R.A.A.J. (Ruud) Luijendijk, president
- C.E.P.M. (Cyp) van de Bult, secretary
- J.P. (Jitze) van der Meulen, treasurer
- Ms. M. (Magda) Man in 't Veld, commissioner I
- Ms. P.F. (Petra) Verhoeckx, commissioner II
- N.A. (Nico) Huiberts, commissioner III
26 May 1970 - 17 September 1970
During this period, an unofficial interim board is formed, although board 47 officially remained in place. This interim board which was called the 'committee of wise men', consisting of:
- L. Dewoye (?)
- C.E.P.M. (Cyp) van de Bult
- Nico Huyberk [sic: Huiberts]
- Ms. M. (Magda) Man in 't Veld
- Hug Kok
- R. (Ruud) Luygendijk [sic: Luijendijk]
- J. (Jitze) van der Meulen
29 May 1969 - 26 May 1970
The members of the 47th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- A.J.Th. v.d. Bergh, president
- Ms. J.C. de Jong, secretary
- A.J. (Anco) Hundepool, treasurer
- J.W.M. Visser, commissioner I
- Ms. M.C. Vloermans, commissioner II
- B.J. Thijsse, commissioner III
6 May 1968 - 29 May 1969
The members of the 46th board of De Leidsche Flesch
- F.A. (Frans) van der Loo, president
- Ms. E. v.d. Burg, secretary
- P.J. Schuur, treasurer
- F.J.M. (Fred) Hoogenboom, commissioner I
- Ms. J.C. de Jong, commissioner II
- H.M. van Aken, commissioner III
19 June 1967 - 6 May 1968
The members of the 45th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- W.J.P. (Willem) de Voogt, president
- Ms. M.C. Smit (Ria) / P.A.J. (Peter) Tindemans, secretary
- W.G. (Wouter) van Dorp, treasurer
- L.S.J.M. (Leon) Henkens, commissioner I
- Ms. E.G.M. (Lieske) Vorst, commissioner II
- P.J. (Piet) Schuur, commissioner III
On 6 February 1968, M.C. Smit transferred her role as secretary to P.A.J. Tindemans, in a general members meeting.
f.l.t.r. Lieske (front) and Ria (back); Wouter and Willem (bottom); Piet and Leon (top-right).
This picture was set up for the association's periodical by Frank Israel, then its editor in chief.
15 June 1966 - 19 June 1967
The members of the 44th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- L.M. (Leo) Hafkenscheid, president
- Ms. C.T.M. (Ineke) Kool, secretary
- J. (John) Marks, treasurer
- J. (Jan) Heijn, commissioner I
- Ms. M. C. (Ria) Smit, commissioner II
- J. L. (Leonard) de Heer, commissioner III
11 June 1965 - 15 June 1966
The members of the 43rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- M.W. (Maurits) van Tol, president
- Ms. D. (Do) Blanken, secretary
- G.J.A. (Gert-Jan) Bakker, treasurer
- J.B.M (Jos) de Haas, vice-president and commissioner I
- Ms. C.T.M. (Ineke) Kool, commissioner II
- F.B. (Frank) Basters, commissioner III
4 June 1964 - 11 June 1965
The members of the 42nd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- D.L. (Dick) de Jong, president
- Ms. A.J.O. (Lyda) van Groningen, secretary
- R.W. (Ronald) Bulterman, treasurer
- L.M.J. (Louis) Visser, commissioner I
- Ms. M. (Marijke) Tit, commissioner IIa
- J.W. Schutter, commissioner III
f.l.t.r. Marijke Tit, Ronald Bulterman, Louis Visser, Lyda van Groningen, J.W. Schutter, Dick de Jong
10 June 1963 - 4 June 1964
The members of the 41st board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- W.Th. (Tom) Wenckebach, president
- Ms. C.G. (Anja) Elema, secretary
- A.Th.A.M. (Fons) de Waele, treasurer
- G.A. (George) Timmer, commissioner I
- Ms. F.P.J. (Fransje) van Buijtenen, commissioner II
- R.W. (Ronald) Bulterman, commissioner III
30 May 1962 - 10 June 1963
The members of the 40th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- A.U. (Aubin) Wilkens, president
- Ms. M.T. (Mary) Lambermont, secretary
- C.P. (Cees) Louwerse, treasurer
- F.C. (Frits) Schiereck, commissioner I
- Ms. C.G. (Anja) Elema, commissioner II
- J. (Johan) Marteijn, commissioner III
30 May 1961 - 30 May 1962
The members of the 39th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J.N. (Jaap) Haasbroek, president
- M. (Marijke) Haantjes, secretary
- J. (Jim) Brotherhood, treasurer
- A. (Aad) Dijkxhoorn, commissioner I
- Ms. J. (Joke) van Herk, commissioner II
- H. (Herman) Hulsman, commissioner III
30 May 1960 - 30 May 1961
The members of the 38th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- F.W. (Freek) Gorter, president
- R.F. (Reinder) Wielinga, secretary
- Ms. M.L. (Marlies) Blaisse, treasurer
- B. (Bob) Landheer, commissioner I
- Ms. M. (Marijke) van Wijngaarden, commissioner II
- A.U. (Aubin) Wilkens, commissioner III
23 September 1959 - 30 May 1960
The members of the 37th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- W.S. (Wim) Hulscher, president
- W.M.H. (Wim) Rutten, secretary
- F.A.J.P. (Fred) Rondagh, treasurer
- G.E. Snip, commissioner I
- F.W. (Freek) Gorter, commissioner II
29 September 1958 - 23 September 1959
The members of the 36th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- F.A. (Frits) Berends, president
- Ms. H.G.M. (Riek) Schroten, secretary
- Alfred Feberwee, treasurer
- W.S. (Wim) Hulscher, commissioner I
- Ms. J.C. (Joke) Hageman, commissioner II
This board was initially installed with H.E. (Henk) Sweers as treasurer. After a short period, Alfred Feberwee took over this function in the board.
24 September 1957 - 29 September 1958
The members of the 35th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- D.A. Smink, president
- Ms. G. Muste, secretary
- T.W.J. van Agt, treasurer
- H.E. Sweers, commissioner I
- Ms. M.J. Peters, commissioner II
24 September 1956 - 24 September 1957
The members of the 34th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- H. van Berne, president
- Ms. S.S. Vrijburg, secretary
- B. van Eijnsbergen, treasurer
- D.A. Smink, commissioner I
- Ms. G. Muste, commissioner II
13 October 1955 - 24 September 1956
The members of the 33rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- K.A. Post, president
- Ms. M.C. (Mies) Wemelsfelder, secretary
- C. (Kees) le Pair jr, treasurer
- T.M. Wiarda, commissioner I
- Ms. S.S. Vrijburg, commissioner II
11 October 1954 - 13 October 1955
The members of the 32nd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- L.J. (Leen) Bongers, president
- A.H. (Bram) Oort, secretary
- Ms. T. (Tineke) Geilman, treasurer
- C. (Kees) le Pair jr, commissioner I
- Ms. M.C. (Mies) Wemelsfelder, commissioner II
12 October 1953 - 11 October 1954
The members of the 31st board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J. Nienhuis, president
- Ms. W.A. v.d. Burcht van Lichtenbergh, secretary
- R. David, treasurer
- J.P. Waardenburg, commissioner I
- Ms. T. Epskamp, commissioner II
20 October 1952 - 12 October 1953
The members of the 30th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- Ch.J. (Christiaan) Penning, president
- Ms. D.A. Bueno, secretary (until February 1953)
- Ms. W.A. v.d. Burcht van Lichtenbergh, secretary (from February 1953)
- A.J. Cuelenaere, treasurer
- J. 't Hart, commissioner I
- J. (Jaap) Fabius, commissioner II
2 October 1951 - 20 October 1952
The members of the 29ste board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- A. (Alexander) Ollongren, president
- J. Wolterbeek Muller, secretary
- Ms. F.J. Verploegh-Chassé, treasurer
- H.J.L. (Hendrik) Schuurmans, commissioner I
- A. Broese van Groenou, commissioner II
5 October 1950 - 2 October 1951
The members of the 28th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- D. Eckhart, president
- J.D. Poll, secretary
- H.L. (Harm) Jalink, treasurer
- Ms. J. Keyser, commissioner I
- P.R. Locher, commissioner II
4 October 1949 - 5 October 1950
The members of the 27th board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- A.M.J. Gehrels, president
- W. van der Lugt, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1948 - 4 October1949
The members of the 26th board of De Leidsche Flesch
- A. van Roggen, president
- Tj.F. Landmeter, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1947 - 1948
The members of the 25th board of De Leidsche Flesch
- W. Limburg, president
- Ms. A. Jappe Alberts, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1946 - 1947
The members of the 24th board of De Leidsche Flesch
- W. Limburg, president
- Ms. A. Jappe Alberts, secretary and treasurer
1945 - 1946
The members of the 23rd board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- F.F. Bos, president
- H. van Woerden, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1941 - 1945
In the wartime years it is unclear if De Leidsche Flesch had any board changes. It is however known that in the board if 1945-'46, the board had changed from that in 1940-'41. At some time between those years, at least one board change must have taken place.
1940 - 1941
The members of the zeventeenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- P. van Kampen, president
- Ms. J.W. Tol, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1939 - 1940
The members of the zesteenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- P.A.C. van Vianen, president
- Ms. D.T.F.M. Savelkoul, secretary and treasurer
1938 - 1939
The members of the vijfteenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- W.H. Dirks, president
- Ms. M.Ch. Nachenius, secretary and treasurer
1937 - 1938
The members of the veerteenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J. Volger, president
- Ms. G.C. de Borst, secretary and treasurer
1936 - 1937
The members of the derteenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J. Kistemaker, president
- Ms. A.A. Schim van der Loeff, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1935 - 1936
The members of the twelfth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J. Korringa, president
- Ms. J.C. Hupse, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1934 - 1935
The members of the eleventh board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- F.J. Bolkestein, president
- Ms. L.H.A. Nagelkerke, secretary
- ?, treasurer
1933 - 1934
The members of the tenth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J.Ph. (Hans) Steller, president
- Ms. C. Bregman, secretary and treasurer
f.l.t.r. C. Bregman, Hans Steller
1932 - 1933
The members of the ninth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- J.E. Stol, president
- C. Helling, secretary and treasurer
- P. (Paul) Ehrenfest jr., assessor
1931 - 1932
The members of the eighth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- W. de Bruin, president
- Ms. A.D. (Annie) Engelkes, secretary
- L. Voogd, treasurer
Starting with this board, De Leidsche Flesch is listed in almanacs of the Leidsch Studenten Corps, which listed presidents and secretaries for all associations and student groups in Leiden. Based on this, it can be assumed that starting this year the association started to play a more significant role.
1930 - 1931
The members of the seventh board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- H.I. Brückel, president
- G. Los, secretary and treasurer
1929 - 1930
The members of the sixth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- G.J. van den Berg, president
- J.M. Jonker, secretary and treasurer
1928 - 1929
The members of the fifth board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- A.N. Borghouts, president
- Neuteboom, secretary and treasurer
1926 - 1927
The members of the third board of De Leidsche Flesch:
- H. Lindeman, president
- ?, secretary and treasurer
First few years
J. (Jaap) Voogd was - mostly at the start of the association - the leader of the association called De Leidsche Flesch, but no formal board existed. This was all with support of Paul Ehrenfest.