Sign up for the Young Alumni drinks and party

We are pleased you are interested in the Young Alumni drinks and party. This will take place on 13 September.

Please fill in your email address below, which we will use to fetch you from our database.
Are you still a member of De Leidsche Flesch? Then you can sign in.

On Friday September 13th we will organize a young alumni activity, an evening with drinks to talk and catch up with (former) study friends, while enjoying a snack and a drink. The bar will open at 17:00. In the evening we will eat pasta from a cheese wheel. The borrel will end around 23.00, afterwhich we'll go to the Hut van Ome Henne to finish the night with a party.


What do you want to join?

What do you want to join? Just the drinks? Or do you also want to party after the drinks?